This week's podcast is almost 45 minutes, a bit longer than last week's. Apparently, I am building up stamina as I work with this new medium. At some point, I intend to standardize the length of the show at one hour, but I need to become more proficient with the recording technology before that happens. Otherwise, sitting in front of the mic is becoming more comfortable for me, and I am learning lots of new things about music downloads!
Program Notes
0:20 New Theme
Music: “The Four Shoves” by
1:00 Rebuilding New Orleans: My thoughts on Conglomerate. Vote in the W$J poll. Vic Fleischer’s post “Is Katrina a Natural Disaster?”
6:32 Chief Justice John Roberts: Ann Althouse’s radio interview with Joy Cardin is here (or you can find it through Wisconsin Public Radio). The LA Times story is entitled “O’Connor Staying on Court May Carry Little Weight.”
13:09 Business news :
Comparing gasoline
prices in Europe and the U.S. The dispute between Microsoft
and Google. Commentary on SEC v.
Siebel Systems, Inc. from Larry
Ribstein and me. We
both link the case, if you are inclined to read it.
21:32 The Right to Blog? Jeremy Blachman asserts, “The law should protects us,” in his editorial in the NYT. Ann Althouse’s take. Unfortunately, the Gely-Bierman article is not available online.
33:13 Flags Over the Capitol: Russ Feingold’s website. If you are interested in David Baldacci, Saving Faith, try here.
36:00 First Day of Classes
at UW
38:10 Ten songs from
the ‘70s that I still like: This week, we begin the countdown with #10: Jackson Browne, Doctor, My Eyes. The “Top 10 Songs of the
70s” site. Not many agree with me about Jackson Browne. If you want to see the lyrics to Doctor, My Eyes, look below the fold ...
"Doctor, My Eyes" by Jackson Browne
Doctor, my eyes have seen the years
Through the slow parade of tears without crying
Now I want to understand
I have done all that I could
To see the evil and the good without hiding
You must help me if you can
Doctor my eyes
Tell me what is wrong
Was I unwise to leave them open for so long?
As I've wandered through this world
As each moment has unfurled
I've been waiting to awaken from this dream
People go just where they will
I never notice them until I've got this feeling
That it's later than it seems
Doctor my eyes
Tell me what is real
I hear their cries
Just saying "It's too late for me"
Doctor my eyes
Cannot be disguised
Is this the prize for having learned how not to cry?