This task was significantly more complicated than I expected, though it was made much easier by Todd at ambivalent imbroglio, who was (as always) gracious with his time. Among other things, he pointed me to some links and information posted by Mitch Keeler. For more in this genre, see here.
I examined all of the hosting options that I found and ultimately decided to go with libsyn (liberated syndication). The first thing that caught my eye was unlimited bandwidth. Given that I have no podcasts available for download yet, it might seem a bit premature to worry about bandwidth, but a lot of podcasters out there are complaining about the costs associated with buying additional bandwidth.
The second thing I noticed was libsyn's archiving system. It makes sense, and even though I have read some complaints about their execution, this looks like it will work.
Which leads me to my third point: support. I don't know how they do it, but the folks at lisbyn are prompt and gracious and effective. This morning I emailed a question to the support team and received a reply within a half hour. Having an active user community is a plus, too.
Finally, something I didn't pay too much attention to until I did a test post this morning: ease of use. Uploading files could not be any easier. The files then appear immediately on my libsyn blog, and I will post all of the links again here, along with program notes.